Monday, December 1, 2008

Nine Pics of LIMA!!! 6 of 9

Even though I did not see too much of this up close and personal, this picture screams Lima to me. I saw Lima as a beautiful, rich, and vibrant city. I saw breathtaking landscapes, inspiring architecture, and gorgeous and friendly people. This is the other side that we were advised not even to go into. Even though it may not have been "safe" for gringos to go into and take pictures with big cameras, its still like the rest of Lima. With the houses built right into the mountain, I couldn't help but continually look and be fascinated by it. Though the architecture would be considered blah and boxy, the colors, the height, the proximity of the buildings, and my imagining the roads and paths that lead all the way up are really enough to be burned into my mind for life. And I am sure that the people in there are just as gorgeous and friendly as anywhere else... I wish I could have gotten closer... I am thankful for a telephoto lens!

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