Wednesday, October 29, 2008

doors open, people get out, people get in, doors close

As my title suggests this should be the natural order of things. Any other way just doesn't work nor does it make any sense. On a bus, subway, elevator, a car... whatever. It just makes sense... let the people get out first!

This morning as I am dragging my semi-concious body to work I am confronted with this almost-absolute truth. I am trying to get off the metro as quickly as I can to let people on and more importantly that I can be on my merry way. However there is a huge wave of people trying to rush in. I feel like a defensive lineman right after the snap. I am pushing through people who are all suicide blitzing! The metro aint going anywhere. If you are trying to get on the conductor will not close the door on your body causing your head to pop off like a well fed tic!

I really could go on further, but I will stop here. I think this has definitely moved up to my top pet peeve. I have thrown aside any "love your neighbor" stuff to the side when it comes to people pushing their way on prematurely. I will lower my shoulder and do my best to walk straight irregardless of who you are. You maybe be a pregnant grandmother army veteran in a wheelchair... I will ram into you and give you the evil eye while I do it.

I am such a bad person!

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