Monday, March 24, 2008

the end of religion? Good!

light.cross, originally uploaded by impactmatt.

Just a quick story... mainly cause it was interesting and at the same time I need to update this thing because all three of you are dying for the latest update! My loyal fans... yeah I'm funny.

So... I was in the cafeteria warming up my microwavable Kraft Dinner... i am so embarrassed that was my lunch... and I bump into one of my coworkers and we are just chatting away and he notices the book I am reading. I have mentioned it before, "The End of Religion... He reads the title and gives a little "hmmmmm..." and follows through with a "We definitely need more of that!"

Now the book is actually very spiritual and emphasizes how man has tried to put God and his supernatural awesomeness in an ugly little box called religion. My friend is coming at from a totally different angle and is just really upset at what religion (also known as Christianity, Jesus, God in his eyes) has treated him.

I agree with both sides of the story. I don't even need to know his story but it is not a very big stretch that religion has hurt him and left a sour taste in his mouth to boot. The back cover of the book sums up our feelings: "Sick of religion? So was Jesus." Let me take it further and say... So is Jesus.

1 comment:

The Renegade Librarian said...

The dude silhouetted in the picture is SO HOT!

Oh yeah, and the post: GOLD.