Thursday, February 14, 2008

Lick my glass!

Waterwall, originally uploaded by impactmatt.

Ok... so I just posted something to my blog today, but I just read something that struck me in a big way. You know when you hear something and it just resonates within you like a pitch fork? You can feel it penetrating deep into your soul and then you find yourself just moving along with it...? Thats now.

I just started reading "The End of Religion," by Bruxy Cavey and I got as far as page 39. He is discussing how the whole concept of religion has huge flaws and it is so counterproductive to real spirituality and a discovering of who God is. He asks you to picture a thirsty person holding a glass of water. Now picture that same person licking the glass in order to quench that thirst. Not too bright. Bruxy's claim is that glass is religion. Those who are religious focus so much on the glass that they are forgetting what is inside!

It was just such a clear picture of how futile it all is. We focus on how the water is delivered. What is holding that water that we thrist for so desperately? How is it presented to us? When we should just be looking to quench a thirst that makes us lick cracked lips. Dive in! Bathe in it! Soak it in! Cup your hands together and pull that foutain to your mouth...

So thirsty right now....

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