Friday, July 11, 2008

God bless the..... the fat and ugly people?

I was walking through a very touristy part of town the other day and I was eavesdropping on tourists' conversations. I don't know if I am a compulsive eavesdropper (i don't think I am, at least that is what my therapist tells me) but I do enjoy knowing what is going on in other people's lives even though I don't have a clue who they are and I know full well that I will never see them again! A very good friend of mine just got a sweet appartment because of his eavesdropping skills.

Anyhow... so there was this older American couple from the south walking through my fair city and commenting on everything they saw and were experiencing. I could hear things like:

"I didn't think everything in Quebec (their pronunciation was something more like Kweee-bek) would be so French. Why don't they just learn English like the rest of the world."

"Bonn-jur. Je am Americain." (no kidding... if it wasn't your accent, your t-shirt proudly displaying the red, white, and blue would have given it away.)

These are not the average tourists and I do not want to put anyone of them down. This couple was very exceptional... and hilarious!!! So... at this point they started picking on the people, but not really. It was more like a pity-party for unfortunate souls.

"He is so overweight... God bless him."

"She is so homely-looking, bless her soul."

"God bless him... he stinks like something fierce!"

Its as if these were like angels on vacation going around visiting beautiful places and blessing those who were unfortunate. If that is the case, I am amazed at the way the Lord works!!!

However, it is more likely it is just a couple of well intentioned people who are very happy about who they are and need to remind themselves of this fact by picking on others.

Just thought I would share...

1 comment:

fat people said...

Sure they might be a little overweight, but they are ridiculously unaware of how funny they are. These are the funniest fat people on Earth.