Wednesday, November 5, 2008

change is here

So its done... change is no longer coming... its here!!!

For those of you living under rock... in the ocean... with your eyes shut... and your fingers in your ears... Obama won the election. What can I say??? I am glad for the United States and glad for the world. I think this definitely shows a change in ideals and priorities that I think will benefit the US and, by the nature of the beast, the world.

However I am not a political person. I dont fully believe the democracy works. And before I get cyber-jumped-on, let me say that I am glad that I live in a country where I have the freedom to vote and "influence" change. However the system is very flawed... and thats where I feel that it doesn't work.

But back to Barack... Putting aside my dislike for politics, I do believe him to be honest and a man grounded in reality. Though he may not have all the political credentials and experience, that may end up working in his favor as he might be able to think outside the box and shake up the system. And in the end thats all I would really care about. Is his heart in the right place and does he have the creativity to solve a whole plate of very daunting problems.

But what do I know? I am a ballot-spoiling-Canadian!

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